5 Easy Ways to Make Magic Mushroom Chocolate

5 Easy Ways to Make Magic Mushroom Chocolate

Who doesn’t love chocolate? Regardless of age, gender, or geographic location, chocolate is a universal language. Not only is it delicious, but it is also available in different forms. These include milk, sweet, white, mocha, and bittersweet. Also, you can put chocolate in almost any food or beverage to enhance the flavour.

Along with chocolate, a lot of people enjoy magic mushrooms. For those individuals, making chocolate magic mushrooms is about as good as it gets. For one thing, they get to enjoy the sweet, delicious flavour of chocolate. For another thing, they enjoy the effects of the mushrooms.

What Are Magic Mushrooms?

If you’ve never tried magic mushrooms, you probably don’t know a lot about them. To start with, these aren’t the same kind of mushrooms you buy at the local grocery store to use in your favourite family meals. Rather, these are wild or homegrown mushrooms with psilocybin as the main ingredient.

Psilocybin is a naturally occurring psychedelic drug, which means magic mushrooms produce a specific effect. People who consume them typically experience vivid and animated colours, shapes, and sounds. Individuals who consume a safe dose, usually 3-4 milligrams, find the hallucinations exciting and enjoyable.

Although legal in many states within the U.S. along with cannabis, Canada legalized magic mushrooms but only for people suffering from depression. Often, mental health professionals use these mushrooms as part of therapy. However, as consumer demand increases, it’s not hard to find a quality product from a trusted source.

Magic Mushrooms Varieties

Just as you would with marijuana, it’s important to purchase magic mushrooms from a trusted source. That way, you have the assurance of getting a quality product in a safe dose. When visiting a dispensary or buying online, you’ll discover these mushrooms sell as a dried product.

Not only that, but you will find many different kinds of magic mushrooms. However, of the more than 200 varieties, most of the best dispensaries and online sources sell three. These include:

  1. Psilocybe Cubensis – Also referred to as cubes or gold cubes, these magic mushrooms are among those that produce the most profound psychedelic effects. That and along with the fact that cultivating them is easy explains why they’re so popular.
  2. Psilocybe Semilanceata – Also called liberty caps, these magic mushrooms have a creamy colour and bell shape. Throughout North America and into various parts of Europe, they grow wildly in meadows and open grasslands.
  3. Psilocybe Bacocystis – This is the third of the three top choices for magic mushrooms. Although not as common as the other two, they’re still easy to find. Additional names for these mushrooms include olive caps, blue bells, bottle caps, and knobby tops.

Taking the Magic Mushroom Experience up a Notch

With a better understanding of magic mushrooms and why so many people enjoy them, now comes the fun part: turning an ordinary product into a yummy treat using chocolate. Although you can find many recipes, those listed below rank among the best.

Taking the Magic Mushroom Experience up a Notch

Quick and Easy

This recipe is a favourite because it’s quick and easy. Also, it’s super tasty.

First, you’ll need the following items:

  • Magic mushrooms (completely dried)
  • Chocolate (you choose the kind you like the best)
  • Large saucepan
  • Glass bowl
  • Rubber spatula
  • Sharp knife
  • Chocolate mould or non-stick baking sheet

How to make them:

The most important part of this recipe is to use completely dried magic mushrooms. Then, use the knife to cut the mushrooms into tiny pieces. Set them aside. Next, break the chocolate up and place it in the glass bowl.

Now, fill the saucepan about one-third of the way with water. Place it over medium to high heat. Once the water starts to boil, set the bowl on top. If you have a real double boiler, you can use that instead. The other option is to melt the chocolate in the microwave. For that, set the timer for 30 seconds, stir, and repeat until melted. For the stovetop option, constantly stir the chocolate with a rubber spatula until it melts. 

Let the chocolate cool for about one to two minutes. That’s when you’ll add the chopped magic mushrooms to the bowl. Stir the two ingredients, making sure the chocolate covers all the mushroom pieces. Pour the mixture into a mould or onto a flat baking sheet. Place the chocolate magic mushrooms in the refrigerator until cooled and set. Then, enjoy.

For the Diehard Baker

If you like to make things from scratch, here’s another way to make chocolate magic mushrooms.

These are the things you’ll need:

  • Magic mushrooms (completely dried)
  • 2 cups cocoa powder
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter
  • 2/3 cup whole milk
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • Sharp knife
  • Large saucepan
  • Glass mixing bowls
  • Sieve
  • Rubber spatula
  • Chocolate moulds

Then, you’ll put them all together in the following way.

Add the water to the saucepan. Place it on low heat so it simmers. While the water gets hot, chop the magic mushrooms into small pieces. Set aside. Next, mix the cocoa powder and butter in a bowl, turning it into a paste. Add that mixture into the simmering water. Mix well with a rubber spatula and then bring the water back to a simmer.

As soon as the water simmers again, take the saucepan off the stove. Transfer the mixture to a glass bowl. 

In another bowl, sift the two types of sugars and salt through a sieve. That way, there aren’t any lumps. Add that to the chocolate mixture, stirring to blend. Slowly, add the milk. Continue to stir until all the ingredients mix and become creamy. That’s when you’ll add the chopped magic mushrooms. Again, stir well to cover all the pieces with the chocolate.

Pour the chocolate into one or several moulds. Place that in the refrigerator until the chocolate magic mushrooms cool and set.

Delicious Chocolate Magic Mushroom

Delicious Chocolate Magic Mushroom Beverage

Although you can enjoy this any time of the year, this hot chocolate recipe is always a welcome treat during the fall and winter months. One important note about this particular recipe: While you want the hot chocolate warm, be careful not to make it too hot. Doing so could damage the magic mushrooms.

For this recipe, start with the following items:

  • Magic mushrooms (completely dried)
  • 3 1/2 cups sugar
  • 2 1/4 cups cocoa
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 cup whole milk (per serving)
  • Sharp knife
  • Large glass mixing bowl
  • Airtight container

Here’s how you make this magic mushroom drink.

With the knife, cut the magic mushrooms into tiny pieces. For this recipe, you’ll need them as small as possible. Then, combine all the dry ingredients in the mixing bowl. Stir everything well, so you can spread it without any problem.

Once fully coated, place the mixture in an airtight container. It’s recommended that you use a Sharpie to mark the container’s ingredients and the date when you made the mixture.

When you’re ready for a delicious cup of hot chocolate made with magic mushrooms, add two tablespoons to a hot cup of milk. Stir, sip, and relax.

Also, for the best flavour and effects, allow the mushrooms to seep in the hot milk for about three to five minutes. If you’re looking for the full effects of the magic mushrooms, don’t strain them. Instead, go ahead and swallow the small pieces. However, if you don’t want the full potency, you can simply remove the mushrooms or avoid swallowing them.

If you want to take this hot chocolate recipe to new heights, get creative. You can top it with store-bought or homemade whipped cream, vanilla ice cream, marshmallows, chocolate shavings, and a host of other things.

Chocolate Magic Mushroom Candy

This is another way to enjoy magic mushrooms. Made as candy, they’re great when having friends over.

To make this amazing recipe, start with the quantity of magic mushrooms needed based on the desired dose. Then, place them in a coffee grinder. For this, you want to turn the mushrooms into powder.

With the knife, cut the chocolate into equally sized pieces. Place those into the glass mixing bowl. Although you can use a double boiler, most people simply microwave the chocolate. As with the other recipe, set the timer for 30 seconds, stir, and repeat until the chocolate thoroughly melts. After removing the bowl from the microwave, continue stirring until the chocolate is smooth and creamy. Then, let it sit for a few minutes.

Once the chocolate cools, add in the ground magic mushrooms. Stir the ingredients to ensure the mushrooms distribute evenly. Then, pour the chocolate into the candy moulds. Place them in the refrigerator for one to one and a half hours to cool and set.

If you plan to have a party, you can wrap each of the chocolate magic mushroom candy pieces in coloured tin foil that’s tied with ribbon.

Chocolate Magic Mushroom Candy

Chocolate and Coconut Truffles

This is a unique and wonderful way to enjoy chocolate magic mushrooms. Start with gathering all the things you need.

  • Magic mushrooms (completely dried)
  • 2 cups premium white chocolate
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 1/4 cup heavy cream
  • 1 cup coconut, shredded
  • Glass mixing bowl
  • Coffee grinder
  • Rubber Spatula
  • Cookie scoop

To make these truffles, simply follow the instructions.

Put the white chocolate, butter, and cream in a glass mixing bowl. Stir well with the spatula. Then, place the bowl in the microwave. Heat for 30 seconds, stir, and repeat until the ingredients become smooth and creamy. Set the bowl aside for a few minutes to allow the mixture to cool.

Place the magic mushrooms in the coffee grinder to turn them into powder. Add them to the chocolate, butter, and cream mixture. Stir well to ensure that everything is distributed evenly. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator for a minimum of two hours or until firmly set.

Next, fill either a tablespoon or cookie scoop with the chocolate magic mushroom mixture. You can then place them on a baking sheet as is or roll them into a ball. 

Put the shredded coconut into a different mixing bowl. Drop the truffles in the coconut, carefully covering the entire surface. When you have all the truffles covered, place them on a serving plate for everyone to enjoy.

Don’t Hesitate to Use Your Creativity

The great thing about chocolate magic mushrooms is that you can make just about anything. If you’re relatively new to the kitchen, start with a basic recipe. You can use one provided or search for something different online. Then, don’t hesitate to experiment.

If you’re a pro in the kitchen, use your creativity to come up with an entirely new recipe. Making perfect chocolate magic mushrooms may mean going through some trials and errors. It will be worth it, though, once you master the recipe.

For extra fun, get a group of friends together for a chocolate magic mushroom-making party. Who knows what will happen?

Dont Hesitate to Use Your Creativity

The Bottom Line

Regardless of the recipe that you decide to make, always start with high-quality magic mushrooms. That means you’ll need to find a reputable source that offers what you need. Also, for the best-tasting recipes, choose quality chocolate. That combination is a sure-fire win.

The other important thing to remember is to select the right dose. After all, some magic mushrooms are more potent than others. So, you’ll need specific information regarding the type you buy. Then, if the goal is to have a chill experience, keep the dose on the low side. On the other hand, if you’re ready to have a unique experience, you could increase the dose.

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